Throughout the school, children are given the opportunity to make music, sing and develop their musical ability. Singing assembly takes place once per week and Westfield has a Choir who participate in events inside and outside of school. Children in Year 5 learn the Ukulele, whilst the children in Year 6 have the opportunity to attend Young Voices at the 02 Arena.
Please see document below for Intent, Implementation and Impact:
- Music Intent, Implementation and Impact (153.66KB)
Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education
At Westfield we aim to teach our children about relationships with other people, dealing with their feelings and healthy eating. PSHE is taught in discrete lessons and across the curriculum in other subjects. We use Jigsaw materials.
- PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact (87.55KB)
- Wellbeing Statement (477.96KB)
- PSHE Policy (255.68KB)
Sex Education
Within our school Sex Education is covered as part of our PSHE sessions as sex and relationship education from the start of a child’s school life at the appropriate level. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from some Sex Education lessons. If you wish to exercise this right then please see the Headteacher to discuss this further.
- RSHE Guide for Parents and Carers (279.38KB)
- Relationship and Sex Education Policy (448.87KB)
Physical Education
Children participate in PE from starting in Nursery following the foundation curriculum through to Year 6. Pupils at Westfield Primary School participate in gymnastics, games, dance, swimming, athletics and outdoor activities. We have an enthusiastic attitude to PE and try and instill a lifelong love for physical activity in the children.
- PE Intent, Implementation and Impact (121.52KB)
Design Technology, Art, Geography and History
Lessons follow National Curriculum expectations and are based on QCA/Hertfordshire and other schemes of work. Learning is differentiated according to the age and ability of the pupils, and the highest standards are aimed for.
Please see document below for Intent, Implementation and Impact:
- History Intent, Implementation and Impact (309.69KB)
- DT Intent, Implementation, Impact (226.97KB)
- Geography Intent, implementation and Impact (225.87KB)
- Art Drawing Skills Progress (194.77KB)
- Art Intent, Implementation and Impact (317.75KB)
Religious Education
The teaching of Religious Education is a statutory requirement in all schools. In Religious Education we teach in accordance with the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus for RE. We aim to foster in children an awareness of spirituality and promote self-respect and sensitivity toward those with different beliefs from our own. We regularly invite speakers from the community, and various charities and faith groups to share in our assemblies. Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship and Religious Education. If you wish to exercise this right please see the Headteacher to discuss the matter further.
- RE Intent, Implementation and Impact (100.99KB)
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
As an ‘International School’ we promote inter-cultural understanding and language learning from an early age. Children in Key Stage 2 are taught a weekly French lesson and learning is mainly through games, songs and drama.