Our School

Contact Details

Miss E Leach, Headteacher Westfield Primary School Durrants Lane, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 3PJ Tel: 01442 862 729 Fax: 01442 874467 Email: admin@westfieldprimary.herts.sch.uk Westfield Primary School & Nursery is a community school. Please contact Denise Arnold, Office Manager for any queries from parents or from others members of the public. If you require a paper copy …


If you decide you would like to apply for a place at our school, you will need to apply through the Admissions department of the Local Education Authority. We do not handle our own admissions or have any influence over who is, or is not, offered a place from Reception to Year 6.  Parents moving …


At Westfield Primary School, we expect children to attend school every day, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so. Learning and making and maintaining friendships is fun at Westfield and that’s why we want children in school every day. Research proves that children with good attendance have increased chances of …


We are delighted to be able to announce that this month Westfield Primary School has been awarded the KITE MARK AWARD for ‘The whole school approach to Mental Health and Well-being’.               We have been awarded the Healthy Schools Enhanced status following our work towards broadening and deepening the …

Ethos & Values

“Our children are at the heart of everything we do.” Our Vision Our vision is for our children to become confident, independent and resilient learners. We believe that this is best achieved by applying a ‘growth mindset’ which is about encouraging our children to believe in themselves and their abilities. Through hard work and effort, …

Extended Schools

Cascade Kids – Breakfast & After School Clubs Cascade Kids Breakfast and After School Clubs provide a welcoming, safe, engaging and fun wrap around care option for children. Inspired by our non-stop fun holiday camps, children will be looked after by our fantastic staff while being able to choose from a variety of activities each …

Forest School

The Forest School approach to learning Forest School is an exciting part of Westfield Primary School and Nursery’s focus on Growth Mindset.  It encourages learners to take themselves into the stretch zone through learning new skills, making choices, working co-operatively and taking supported risks. This helps them to develop their growth mindset – believing in …


School governors work on a voluntary basis and are central to the life of the School. The Governing Body is made up of parent governors, staff governors, Local Authority governors and community governors. The governors meet on a regular basis to discuss such things as finance, personnel issues and matters relating to the use of …

Governor Biographies

Ash Patil (Chair) LA Governor I have an Electrical Engineering degree with postgraduate qualification in Operations Research. I have worked with Xerox for 10 years in Inventory Control and Logistics and then for 20+years with Digital Computers later to be merged into Compaq and Hewlett Packard in Management Science, (Business Intelligence) and Sales in IT …

Healthy School

We are a healthy school because we have…. Colour coded choices at dinner time to help us eat balanced meals Drinking water in the playground Fruit snack during playtime Cycling skills in Year 5 Swimming lessons for Years 3 and 4 A vegetable garden Extra-curricular sports clubs such as Dance, Dodgeball, football and Tae-Kwondo. Inter-school sports …


Our school hall, classrooms and grounds are available for letting on application to the Headteacher. For further information on lettings please email our school office at admin@westfieldprimary.herts.sch.uk


Our policies are available to download as PDF documents or, alternatively, please contact the school to request a free paper copy:


Miss E Leach Headteacher (Designated Safeguarding Lead) Miss S Goodchild Deputy Head (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) Mrs E Slade SENCo Mrs J Edwardson Teacher Mrs S Edwards Maternity Miss J Roe Teacher Mrs S Saunders Teacher, PE Lead Mrs M Nichols Teacher, Science Lead Mrs S Ramm Teacher, Humanities Lead Mrs H Rance Teacher, Music …