Return to Parents

Supporting your Child

Supporting your child to thrive 

Developing a strong partnership with parents to provide the very best emotional and academic support for your child is vitally important to us at Westfield from the moment you join our Westfield family. Parents often underestimate the huge influence they have in the home on supporting their children to thrive personally and academically.  

Dr Kathy Weston shares with Westfield parents her researched based, practical top tips on Parent Power : How the things you do at home can improve your child’s life chances. 

Thank you for continuing to closely work with us to support your child flourish. 

Welcome in School

Parents and families are always welcome to come into our school.

We are especially pleased when parents feel that they can give some time to help us in the classroom or with a special project. Parental involvement is highly valued in our school and we are grateful for any help and time parents can give to us..


The Westfield School Association (W1SPA) is an invaluable source of fun and funds for our children, having put together a multitude of events and evenings which together have raised thousands of pounds for the school which have gone towards new books, computers, shelters and educational/play equipment.  Get involved and help raise even more valuable funds for the children!


We hope that all our parents will support their children and the school, by ensuring that children do all set homework. It will be introduced in the Foundation Stage (3-5) with books to share with parents. It will increase as the children develop.

We have an dedicated email address for pupils to email homework to their teacher. The email address is

School Policies can be found on the Policies page in the Our School section of the website.