“Our children are at the heart of everything we do”


Where can you buy school uniform?

PL Schoolwear is the official supplier of our uniform and they stock items embroidered with our school logo.  They have a shop located at Unit B9, Riverside Shopping Centre (opposite TK Maxx), Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1BT.  You can also order online by following this link: 


If you have queries in regard to uniform please contact PL Schoolwear via email: hello@plschoolwear.co.uk or phone them on: 01442 501 411

‘New to you’ uniform shop

We all know children are expensive! WISPA, our parent/teacher association has a self service shop full of good quality ‘new to you’ uniform in the school reception area – pop in and buy with cash or card when convenient to you. Plus, it helps save our planet! Please also donate good quality blue items your children have grown out of so that we can resell it – leave with the office staff, thank you. 

Samples of all items, including bags are available at the office each morning during term-time.

Bags and water bottles can be purchased from school directly.  This can be done via Arbor, under School Shop in your Parent Portal, or via cash through the Office.  Below is a list of items for sale via the school.

Children will need the following uniform items:

  • Cardigan or sweatshirt with logo (available second hand or through PL Schoolwear)
  • White polo shirt with collar (available from most supermarkets) and/or a blue polo shirt with school logo (available from PL Schoolwear)
  • Grey tailored skirt / tailored trousers / pinafore dress / royal blue & white check dress for summer (as appropriate)
  • Blue T-shirt and plain navy or black shorts for PE
  • School book bag 
  • Appropriate bag to keep PE kit in 
  • Trainers for outdoor PE lessons

Lost property can be found in the classrooms and in the box in the disabled toilet near the school office.

All school uniform and additional items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Item & Sizes Price  
Deluxe Book Bag £7.50
Backpack £12.00  
Backpack £5.50 backpack
PE Bag £4.00 pe_bag
Large PE Bag £5.00 pe_bag
Water Bottle Water bottle/Lid £1.50/50p water_bottle