“Our children are at the heart of everything we do”


We are delighted to be able to announce that this month Westfield Primary School has been awarded the KITE MARK AWARD for ‘The whole school approach to Mental Health and Well-being’.

Kite Mark Award

We have been awarded the Healthy Schools Enhanced status following our work towards broadening and deepening the Healthy School themes within our school by creating opportunities to promote health throughout the school day. The four key themes within the Hertfordshire Healthy Schools Programme are Personal, Social & Health Education; Healthy Eating; Physical Activity; and Emotional Health & Wellbeing.

Healthy Schools enhanced

Our school has achieved the GREEN FLAG award from the ECO-Schools programme as we

 continue to embed the principles of sustainable development into our lives and curriculum.


We have been awarded the Activemark for at least 90% of pupils across our school doing at least 2 hours high quality PE and school sport a week. 


Westfield Primary School takes part in “Transition towns” in Berkhamsted along with other local school.
