Q | Can the school administer medicine to my child? |
A |
If your child has been prescribed antibiotics 3 times a day then we will not administer any at school as you can give them before school, after school and bedtime. If your child has been prescribed antibiotics 4 times a day then we can administer one dosage of the medication but you will need to fill in the necessary form which can be downloaded below. Once the form has been completed please send it into the school office with the medication. Please be aware that we can only administer medication in the correct dosage. This means the medicine must be dispensed into a syringe before it is brought to school to administer each day.
Q | My child has been sick or had diarrhoea. Can he/she come to school? |
A | Your child can only return to school 48 hours after he/she was last sick. |
Q | My child has Impetigo. When can he/she return to school? |
A | Your child will need to have been taking antibiotics for 48 hours and the lesions must be crusted or healed. |
Q | My child has Chicken Pox. When can he/she return to school? |
A | Every scab must have crusted over before your child can return to school. |
Q | My child has Conjunctivitis. Can he/she come to school? |
A | Yes, but if the problem persists you may wish to take your child to your GP in case medication is needed to clear it up. |
Q | My child has Head-lice. When can he/she return to school? |
A | You will need to treat your child’s hair and ensure that there are no live head-lice in his/her hair before your child can return to school. There may be some eggs remaining but this does not prevent your child from being in school. If we notice live head-lice on a child in school we will call the parent/carer to collect the child in order to treat the problem at home. |
Q | How can I contact the school nurse? |
A | The school nurse can be contacted on 0300 123 7572 |
Q | How can I receive the weekly newsletter? |
A | The newsletter is sent home with your child every Friday if you have requested paper correspondence. If you wish to receive the newsletter via email or paper please contact the school office. Newsletters are also posted on our website – click the link to go to the News webpage |
Q | How can I let you know my child is going home with somebody else at the end of the day? |
A | Please write a note for your child to bring in to school detailing pick up arrangements. You can also ring the school office by 3.00pm to inform us of pick up arrangements on 01442 862729 option 1. If you have a regular arrangement please notify the school in writing to save having to notify us on every occasion. |
Q | How can I volunteer to help in school? |
A | You can approach your class teacher, the school office or via email. You will be required to complete a DBS form. |
Q | Can I take me child out of school during term time? |
A | You will need to complete an Application for Leave of Absence form which you can print from the website or is available from the school office. For children aged 5 years and over absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. We firmly believe that 100% attendance supports 100% education and would urge you to consider the impact of missed curriculum before requesting time out of school. |
Q | How do I join the PTA committee? |
A | You can contact the Chairman via email w1spa@westfieldprimary.herts.sch.uk or click the link to visit the W1SPA webpage for more information |
Q | What uniform does my child need for school? |
A | Please click the link to visit the Uniform webpage for more information |
Q | Does my child need a water bottle at school? |
A |
Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school to keep in the classroom and access when necessary. Please label bottles clearly with your child’s name. Please remember to only buy plastic or metal water bottles for your children to use at school. Glass water bottles are not allowed due to the obvious hazard of broken glass. Thank you.
Q | What is the cost of a school dinner in KS2? |
A | School dinners are currently £3.40 per day payable half-termly in advance. If you feel that you may need help with paying for school dinners please contact the school office who will be able to help. |
Q | How do I get free school meals for my child? |
A |
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to “Universal Free School Meals”. You may be entitled to free school meals for your child from Year 3, please follow the link and complete the application www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals. Staff in the school office will be happy to advise/assist. |
Q | My child is in Nursery. Will he/she automatically come to Westfield for Reception? |
A | There is no automatic transfer from Nursery to Reception class. All parents/carers have to apply separately for Reception places which are allocated by the County Council. Please look out for the admissions booklet which is sent to home addresses by the County Council. For further information regarding admissions please click the link to HCC webpage. |
Q | When will my child join Nursery? |
A | All children will join Nursery in the September prior to their 4th birthday. We follow County guidelines for Nursery admissions. |
Q | When will my child join Reception? |
A | All children will join Reception in the September after their 4th birthday. We follow County guidelines for admissions. |
Q | When do I apply for a secondary school place? |
A |
During the Autumn Term when your child is in Year 6 you will receive a booklet from the County Council advising you of the admissions process. |
Q | At what age is school attendance compulsory? |
A | Children are required to be in school full-time from the age of 5. Attendance at Nursery is optional. |
Q | What do I do if I have any concerns regarding my child? |
A | It is always best to first approach your child’s class teacher to discuss any concerns you may have. Your child’s teacher may need to find out further information regarding your concerns and would therefore not always be able to meet with you immediately but will arrange a suitable time to see you once all the information is to hand. If you feel that matters remain unresolved you may wish to make an appointment to see the Headteacher. |
Q | How do I contact a school Governor? |
A | The Chair of Governors can be contacted at governors@westfieldprimary.herts.sch.uk. For more information on our governors please click on the link to view the Governors webpage |
Q | How do I know how my child is progressing at school? |
A | Parents Evenings are held twice a year in the Autumn and Spring Terms when you will have an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. Annual reports are sent out for every child at the end of the Summer Term. If we have any concerns regarding your child’s progress we will contact you. |
Q | When will my child have swimming lessons? |
A | Your child will attend swimming lessons for one term each year in Year 3 and Year 4. |
Q | Why am I not receiving text messages from school? |
A |
Text messages are generated from your details on our database. If you have changed your mobile number but not informed the school this will account for you not receiving texts. Also texts can only be sent to the first parent/carer on the database. If you wish to check what details we have on file please call the school office. |
Q | If my child has homework to hand in but has left it at home how can I get it to them? |
A |
You may bring it to the school office or you can email our designated homework email address homework@westfieldprimary.herts.sch.uk |