“Our children are at the heart of everything we do”

Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO): Emily Slade

Tel: 01442 862729 Email: admin@westfieldprimary.herts.sch.uk

Miss Emily Slade works alongside teachers to support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Provision is made to help children with SEN by careful consideration of their strengths and areas of challenge. Our policy is developed from the Special Educational Needs and disabilities code of practice:0-25 years. Close consultation with parents is considered essential.  Children may be given specific and personalised individual targets (formerly known as an Individual Education Profile-IEP). These targets are written in conjunction with the child, parent and teaching staff and are discussed and reviewed regularly. Our school may seek the help and advice from outside agencies as well as draw upon resources and expertise from the county. For further information please read our SEND/Inclusion policies.

Our school also seeks to identify children who are more able or specially gifted and provide suitable encouragement and stimulation as well as work of an appropriate level of challenge.  We make use of the advice, expertise and resources available through the Local Authority. 

Local Offer from Hertfordshire:

As part of the SEN reforms, the Hertfordshire county Council has to provide access to information of what is on offer across the county.

The purpose of the local offer is to:

Provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available for all children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 and their families (not just those who have a education, health and care plan.)

Local Offer from Westfield Primary and Nursery School

Alongside the County Local Offer, schools are required to have a School Offer (SEN Information Report). The aim of this will be to give clear information on how the SEN Code Of Practice is implemented in school. Visit their website here  www.dacorumdspl.org.uk

There is now a DSPL Dacorum Facebook page, which will keep you up to date with courses/workshops, events and support for professionals and parent/carers www.facebook.com/dspldacorum.

Please see our SEN Information Report below.

Please see the DSPL newsletters and information below.