Over the past year, Westfield Early Years children have been extremely lucky to be able to witness and enjoy their new and improved outdoor area. With a new track, bike storage, climbing and sliding zone, mud kitchen and improved outdoor classroom areas, we have been fortunate enough to be able to provide the children with many more opportunities for learning in the outdoors, no matter the weather. We are already seeing the impact of this resource in the development of the children such as in their problem solving and measuring when having tea parties in the mud kitchen; gross motor skills, turn taking, imaginative play on the bikes and track and teachers have been able to provide continuous, engaging fine motor games and activities as well as planned, adult led learning activities in the outside classroom; where many of our children feel more comfortable to learn. Special thanks to Magic Little Grants and also Cllr Terry Douris for their assistance with funding the area improvements. We are very grateful for the support we were given for this project and we continue to look at ways in which we can develop it further.