Category: sports

Westfield Football Team – Match update 31.01.24

Westfield’s Football Team played a match away against Tudor Primary School on Wednesday 31st January.

Year 1 Glow Dance – Jan 2024

On 11th January, Year 1 enjoyed a visit from the Dacorum Schools Sports Network (DSSN).

Westfield Mixed Football Team – First Fixture

On Tuesday 14th November Westfield Mixed Football Team had their first fixture against St Cuthbert Mayne School. 

Year 4 DSSN Olympic Event – June 2023

Year 4 took part in a competitive event involving a range of Olympic sports.

Hockey Tournament – June 2023

Congratulations to our Year 6 Hockey team who, represented unyielding determination and unwavering resolve.

Sporting News Sept/Oct 2022

Sporting Events throughout September and October 2022.

Sporting highlights – Apr/May 2022

Daily Mile Anniversary, DSSN Sports Carousel and Table Tennis!