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What the Children Say

Here’s what the children thought about our recent Cricket taster day:


 Y1 – “I loved catching and throwing the balls in the game.”
 Y1- “The coach made it fun and easy to play”
 Y6 – “I would love to play this in school and in a club outside school.”
Y5- “It was challenging but I enjoyed it.”


Our Governors spent a morning in school capturing what school life is like for our Westfield children. 

During the morning they had the opportunity to talk to the children about their learning, find out what helps them learn and their views about their school.

These are some of the children’s responses when asked what helps them with their learning:

“If we can’t do something the teachers help us and we keep trying.”

“Focusing and meditation so you are all calm and fresh.”

“Acting out things makes the learning fun and we remember things.”

“Being challenged.”

“Pink and green marking and being in the stretch zone.”

“Keep trying when I can’t do something and learning from my mistakes.”

These are the responses from the children when asked their opinion of the introduction of learning about the brain and mindfulness:

“It helps us relax and concentrate.”

“We do it every day in our class and in assembly.  It’s fun!”

“The meditation helps me when I’m angry at home.”

“It makes you feel calm.”

“Bad thoughts just go away and it’s like a fresh new day.”